Top 5 Biggest Health Concerns of Women

Are women’s health issues always a topic of discussion? Women’s health has been changing rapidly in the past few decades. Today, more women are able to lead active lives without sacrificing their health. However, that doesn’t mean that womanhood is without its challenges. If you are a woman yourself, then you might be struggling with some common health issues as well. Let’s discuss this further. So, what are the top issues for women’s health? Here Are the Top 5 Issues Of Women’s Health 1. Pre-menstrual syndrome Many women experience pre-menstrual syndrome before their period starts. There is still no OFFICIAL explanation as to why this occurs, but it is thought that some women's bodies are simply not functioning correctly when the hormones are changing. Symptoms can include mood swings, irritability, headaches, fatigue, and a decrease in appetite. Any woman can experience these symptoms at any time of the month but usually become worse aroun...