Top 5 Biggest Health Concerns of Women

Women’s health has been changing rapidly in the past few decades.
Today, more women are able to lead active lives without sacrificing their health.
However, that doesn’t mean that womanhood is without its
If you are a woman yourself, then you might be struggling with some
common health issues as well. Let’s discuss this further.
So, what are the top issues for women’s health?
Here Are the Top 5 Issues Of Women’s Health
1. Pre-menstrual syndrome

Many women experience pre-menstrual syndrome before their period starts.
There is still no OFFICIAL explanation as to why this occurs, but it is thought that some women's bodies are simply not functioning correctly when the hormones are changing.
Symptoms can include mood swings, irritability, headaches, fatigue, and a decrease in appetite.
Any woman can experience these
symptoms at any time of the month but usually become worse around the time of
2. Premature menopause

Premature menopause is a condition where a woman experiences menopause prematurely, usually before age 50.
Although there is no one cause for premature menopause, it is thought to be due to a combination of genes and environmental factors like smoking and obesity.
Even if you do not have any of the risk factors for premature menopause, you could still experience symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, anxiety attacks, and problems with sleeping or concentrating.
Treatment involves hormone replacement therapy or surgery to
remove the ovaries.
3. Breast Cancer

Around the world, breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer.
Statistics show that it will become the second leading cause of
disease-related death by 2027.
Most women develop breast cancer because of the ovarian hormones they’re exposed to in early life.
However, there is still a lot we
don’t know about this serious disease.
There are several steps you can take to lower your risk of
breast cancer, including getting enough exercise, eating a healthy diet, and
avoiding excessive exposure to harmful chemicals and radiation.
4. Depression and Anxiety

Are you struggling with depression or anxiety?
You’re not alone.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, one in five people will experience some form of major depression in their lifetime.
And among people aged 18-44, it’s even higher, with one in four experiencing depression at some point in their life.
Depression and anxiety are two of the most common mental disorders, afflicting more than 50 million Americans.
They can significantly
interfere with your quality of life and cause significant financial costs.
If you’re struggling with depression or anxiety, there are a few things you can do to improve your situation.
First and foremost, talk to your doctor about the best course of action for you.
Secondly, make sure you are getting enough exercise and adequate sleep – both of which have been shown to be helpful in managing depression and anxiety.
And finally, keep a positive attitude throughout your
battle – it will help reduce the risk that your condition will spiral out of
5. Ovarian and Cervical Cancer

Are you concerned about ovarian and cervical cancer?
If so, you're not alone.
Ovarian cancer is the fifth most common cancer in women worldwide and the fourth most common cancer in the United States.
cancer is the sixth most common cancer diagnosed among women.
Both ovarian and cervical cancers can be deadly if not treated early.
In fact, more than 3,000 women die from ovarian cancer every
year and more than 5,000 women die from cervical cancer annually.
There are many ways to reduce your risk of both types of cancer.
For ovarian cancer, promoting a healthy lifestyle and getting screenings both play a role.
However, only some women will have a genetic disposition to develop ovarian or cervical cancer.
So, there’s no guarantee that avoiding these diseases will actually prevent them.
However, you can make
lifestyle changes that may help reduce your risk.
These are the top 5 issues of women’s health.
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