10 Simple Habits to Lose Weight Naturally

Ever heard, we are creatures of habits? It is rightly said habits are what make or break us. This is also true when it comes to losing weight. In our everyday life, we unconsciously pick habits that promote weight gain instead of weight loss.

Wondering what are those?

Read on and adopt these 10 simple habits to lose weight naturally and get in perfect shape. Just to mention, the series of habits mentioned here are stepping stones to build the road to your success in your weight loss program.

Daily Habits to Lose Weight Naturally

1. Eat Slowly

When you’re hurriedly gulping down the food, you tend to overeat and finish the food faster.

It’s because your brain fails to send the signal to your stomach about the fullness. It takes approximately 20 minutes to do so.

Thus, it’s recommended to chew your food 32 times before swallowing. This way you intake only the needed calories.

Eating slowly also offers several health benefits like better nutrient absorption, improved digestion, and greater satisfaction.

2. Eat Unpeeled Fruits & Vegetables

Unpeeled fruits and vegetables are packed with higher amounts of minerals, vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, and other plant compounds.

It keeps your stomach fuller and releases hormones at a higher speed in your body. This way it reduces your hunger and helps you lose weight.

Recommended fruits & vegetables include citrus foods, avocado, garlic, apple, banana, cucumber, eggplant mushroom, potato, zucchini, and plumps.

3. Take Vitamin D

One of the most important micronutrients our body need is vitamin D to improve immunity, makes bone stronger, and much more.

Get at least 5-30 minutes of sun exposure to keep up the daily dose of vitamin D (600 IU or 15 mcg).

Studies proved that vitamin D reduces the formation of fat cells in your body, thereby making no contribution to fat accumulation.

4. Get Enough Z's

Getting sufficient quality sleep plays an important role when it comes to losing weight. Research shows sleep reduces calorie intake.

One study revealed getting 8.5 hours of Zs over 2 weeks with calorie-restricted diet results in greater loss of fat-free mass.  

On the other hand, lack of sleep causes hormone imbalance that affects your metabolism. The consequence is decreased energy in your body.

5. Stay Hydrated

Can water really help you in losing weight? Yes, water suppresses your appetite and helps you in burning calories when consumed before meals.

It also boosts your metabolism & fat burning rate.

Health professionals advise drinking water before & during food intake to reduce food consumption. Also, cut back on sugary beverages.

6. Eat A High-Protein Breakfast

Ask any fitness expert and he/she will tell you the importance of ‘Protein’.

Adding a higher protein content to your diet is one of the most effective and easiest ways to lose weight.

It curbs your appetite & prevents you from overeating. Hence, it’s vital to start your day with a high-protein breakfast.

High-protein breakfast foods include Moong dal chilla, Poha, Eggs, Oatmeal, Dailya, and sprouts.

7. Track Your Intake

Want to achieve your weight loss goals? Stick to a calorie counter. Install a calorie counter application to track your weight, calorie intake, exercise, etc.

8. Exercise Daily

Exercise is essential for maintaining overall health. However, it doesn’t have to be super intense or hard to carry out your weight loss program.

You can create your workout and start at home. Best exercises for weight loss include forward Lunges, Burpees, Squats, Mountain Climber, Rope Jumping, & Jumping Jack.

9. Eat More Spice

Spicy food does more than just make your tongue tingle & forehead sweat.

It contains capsaicin that aids in weight management. As per the analysis of 90 different studies, spicy food reduces appetite & increases energy expenditure.

It raises your metabolism to eight percent. It also suppresses your urge to eat more. Hence, it is best to add spicy chili, ginger, pepper, and cinnamon to your meal.

10. Keep A Food Journal

People who keep a food journal are more successful in their weight loss regime than those who don’t.

The daily log includes what you eat each day in how much quantity and at what time of the day.

Food journals also help you build healthy habits, and identify your food sensitivities.

Incorporate these 10 simple habits to lose weight naturally and nourish your body thoroughly. 


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