9 Critical Body Parts That Needs Your Full Attention

9 Critical Body Parts That Needs Your Full Attention

What’s the most important asset of your life? 

It’s your body that needs special care. If you wish to live a healthy and long life then you must take care of your body in the right way. 

Neglecting this fact leads to serious health issues like diarrhea, and respiratory diseases. However, different body parts require different care and attention. 

In this guide, we have presented 9 critical and significant parts of our bodies that need attention. 

Most Important Body Parts

1. Skin

It’s the largest organ of our body that defends against external factors. 

It constantly fights against pollution, harmful agents, UV rays, germs, and dirt. 

However, it’s the very first organ that can be easily cut, bruised, and hurt. That’s why it is vital to take good care of it.

In order to take care of it, shower regularly and moisturize the entire body. Also, pay extra attention to your back, and shoulders. 

If you found any cuts or burns then apply antiseptic liquid or healing cream. Moreover, protect your skin from harmful ultra-violet rays. Avoid wearing clothes that irritate your skin.

2. Eyes

9 Critical Body Parts That Needs Your Full Attention

Your eyes are the most delicate part of your body. 

They battle radiation from screens, pollution, and dust that can cause eye strain. Hence, taking good care of your eyes is a vital step.

Wear sunglasses whenever you step outside to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays and dust. 

Also, limit screen time. Clean your eyes with cold water, it soothes your tired eyes.

3. Teeth

Teeth are windows to one’s personality. Lack of care causes serious damage to your oral health. 

For best results, brush twice and floss per day. Not only your teeth but your tongue also need treatment. Regular cleaning reduces the build-up of plaque.

Moreover, visit your dentist for a dental check-up. 

Dentists can easily detect problems like tooth decay and fix them before it affects your oral health adversely.

4. Back Of Your Ear

Most people miss cleaning the back of their ears. Because of it, skin rashes and foul smells appear. 

You can clean your ears using an earwax. Women should remove their earrings before they go to bed.

Moreover, you can use soap & clean water to wash it thoroughly.  

5. Armpits

You might don’t know that deodorants are responsible for the formation of different bacteria in the armpit. 

It can ruin your most exciting moments. Hence, it becomes important to take care of it.

Avoid wearing polyester clothes, and overusing deodorants.

It is best to get sportswear because it aids your body to breathe.

6. Belly Button

It hides bacteria in abundance. 

Research shows that it hides 67 different bacteria types.

It can stay dirty after a shower so clean your belly button often (once a week).

To clean it, make use of a cotton swab. 

Dip the cotton swab in alcohol and rub gently on the belly button. 

Remember, use only a fresh cotton pad.

7. Genitals

Genitals can develop problems like fungal infections, rashes, and itchiness. 

Wash and keep them dry thoroughly.

8. Joints

9 Critical Body Parts That Needs Your Full Attention

Most people experience joint pain, especially women than men. 

Since they are delicate, they need extra attention. Get enough collagen to prevent bone loss and reduce joint pain. 

Try to include protein-rich foods such as seafood, fish, egg, meat, and beans in your diet. Gelatin and bone broth are collagen-rich.

Wear compression socks or stockings. It protects your joints from swelling.

9. Hairs

Hairs don’t contribute much to your physical health however it does to your personality and beauty and can-do wonders to your self-esteem, and confidence. 

Falling hairs or damaged hairs indicate your internal health.

Make use of a good shampoo to take care of your hair. 

Avoid heat treatments as it can damage your hair. 

Moreover, a diet rich in protein helps in maintaining healthy and beautiful hair.

So, what do you think which part of your body needs the utmost attention? Leave the answer in the comments.


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