This What Happens To Your Body After Sugar Withdrawal

This What Happens To Your Body After Sugar Withdrawal

Sugar withdrawal isn’t easy; however, its health benefits are exponential. 

Cutting out sugar helps in reducing several health risks like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. 

But you will experience a lot of bumps on the way through sugar withdrawal. 

That’s why we have presented a step-by-step guide on how to cut out sugar easily.

Natural Vs. Refined Sugar

Sugar is naturally available in lots of foods like vegetables, fruits, milk, grains, and even cheese. 

However, the manufacturers add sugar syrups to prepackaged and processed foods. 

These foods include candy, soda, ice cream, cookies, and also less obvious foods like yogurt, ketchup, and bread.

Sugar from whole foods like an apple gives you essential minerals, nutrients, and vitamins to your body. 

It will satisfy your hunger and get absorbed slowly in your body. 

However, added sugar offers no nutrients and calories. Thus, it can lead to various health problems like weight gain.

Sugar- Is It Bad For You?

This What Happens To Your Body After Sugar Withdrawal

Eating little sugar does you good, however, treating yourself with too much sugar sabotage your health.

After taking a meal, blood sugar will rise, and insulin will swing into action to put the level to a halt. 

However, when you consume too much sugar regularly, it throws your system, and insulin will not do its job correctly. 

It can lead to serious health issues, diabetes, and unintentional weight gain. 

Moreover, you will have poor dental hygiene.

But the good news is that sugar withdrawal is possible.

How To Cut Out Sugar?

Avoid Sugar-Filled Drinks

Sports drinks, energy drinks, fruit drinks, and soda contain heaps of added sugar. Studies have shown that reducing or avoiding sugar-filled drinks helps in weight loss.

Instead, you can try low-sugar beverages like water, herbal or fruit teas, sparkling water with a squeezed lime, or water with cucumber and mint.

Eat Whole Foods

This What Happens To Your Body After Sugar Withdrawal

Whole foods aren’t refined or processed. They are free from artificial substances and additives. 

On the other hand, ultra-processed foods contain sugar, fats, and salt. They also contain emulsifiers, additives, and artificial colors.

Instead, you can incorporate whole foods like plant-based foods. This includes fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. 

In addition to this, the sugar-free foods list includes seeds, green vegetables, nuts, and tubers (potatoes, yams, artichokes).

Full-Fat Foods

Low-fat options like yogurt, salad dressing, and peanut butter contain added sugar. A high intake of sugar can cause weight gain.

Replace it with full-fat foods like avocados, whole eggs, nuts, fatty fish, and olive oil. They are super healthy compared to low-fat options.

Cut Back On Sugar-Loaded Desserts

Desserts are loaded with sugar, and it can leave you hungry, crave more sugar, or feel tired. It causes blood-sugar spikes.

Instead, you can try alternatives like fresh fruits, dates, baked fruit like apples, and dark chocolate. 

Most people think dark chocolate contains added sugar; however, it has higher cocoa content and low sugar.

Check Label In Canned Foods

Canned foods are easy to access and useful; however, it contains lots of added sugar. 

If you are buying canned food, then it is vital to check the label for sugar.

The same goes for processed snack foods like protein bars, granola bars, and dried fruits. 

Pick healthy options like a handful of nuts that offers good calories, healthy fat, and protein.

Eat More Fat And Protein

Try to take a diet high in fat and protein. It can lessen hunger and appetite. When you feel full, you crave less sugar. 

Stock up fat and protein-rich foods like eggs, avocados, nuts, and full-fat dairy products.

What Will Happens To Your Body After Sugar Detox?

Change In Mood

This What Happens To Your Body After Sugar Withdrawal

It is a fact that sugar releases serotonin and dopamine, which rewards your body system. 

When you give up sugar, you will feel irritable and cranky for the first few days. 

However, your body will adjust, and your energy will improve drastically within a week.

Clearer Complexion

It is well-known that specific food type causes acne, primarily processed foods. It activates inflammation in your skin. 

Both elasticity and collagen that are responsible for skin glow and chubbiness become damaged. 

This might lead to sagging skin, rosacea, acne, and premature wrinkling. But reducing sugar intake will give you a brighter complexion. 

It strengthens collagen and elastin, thus reducing inflammation levels.

Improves Sleep Quality

The high amount of sugar is responsible for sleep problems. 

It reduces the degree of SWS (slow-wave sleep)- restorative sleep that combines information and memories. 

But eating less sugar will improve your sleep quality.

Lose Weight

This What Happens To Your Body After Sugar Withdrawal

Excessive sugar leads to weight gain. One of the simplest ways to shed extra pounds is by reducing sugar intake. 

The stored fat will decline slowly, and you will shed weight.


With little patience and preparation, you will see improvement in your body. 

Moreover, the risk of severe health conditions will decline.  


  1. Nice one again..! I eat dark chocolate.. Yay😋

    1. Thanks Ayushi,
      Even I love dark chocolate :)


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