How Dangerous Is Sugar To Your Health?

Sugar has become a controversial topic over the last couple of years. Some say it’s harmless, while others warn us about its dangers. Is it really bad for our health? Let's find out in this post. What Exactly Sugar Is? Sugar is a type of carbohydrate that is found naturally in many foods and drinks, such as fruit and milk. It is also added to a wide range of processed foods and beverages, such as cookies, cakes, and soda. While small amounts of sugar can be part of a healthy diet, consuming too much sugar can have negative effects on our health. Side Effects of Eating Too Much Sugar One of the main dangers of consuming too much sugar is that it can contribute to weight gain. When we eat or drink foods that are high in sugar, our blood sugar levels rise quickly. This leads to a release of insulin, which helps to regulate blood sugar levels by transporting sugar from the blood into the cells. However, if we consume more sugar than our body needs, the ex...